Top 10 Beach Essentials with a Baby!

It's summertime here in Wilmy and if you’re anything like us, you are ready to bust out your swimsuit and head to one of our beautiful beaches!
Hitting the beach with little ones in tow can sometimes be quite the juggling act, so we’ve created a list of the top 10 things to make BEACHING with BABY a breeze...{well, we can’t make any promises about that, but hopefully this list will make things a little easier on you} ;)
1. Fluids and easy snacks for YOU!
While these things are very important for your baby, depending on their age, you must not forget about taking care of yourself while beaching it up! Be sure to pack plenty of fresh water and easy-to-eat snacks to keep yourself hydrated and full. After all, self-care is always a priority...
2. Baby soap.
Sometimes showering baby using the public showers & getting them dressed in clothes again before even leaving the beach makes for easy transport of baby {who might be sleeping} out of the car and into the house. A travel size bottle of baby soap of your choice can be a real life saver.
3. Camera.
Because you're going to want to document your sweet little one all bathing suited up and sandy! Babies in bathing suits are among the top 10 cutest things in the whole wide world!
4. Beach hat for baby.
Because rubbing sunscreen in their hair sounds...umm...exactly! A hat is perfect for providing just enough shade to protect their little faces...and a photo op. Definitely a photo op.
5. Shade of some sort!
Whether it be an umbrella or a beach tent, shade is imperative when taking baby to the beach. Not only will it protect their skin, but I haven't met very many babies who enjoy being in the direct sun for very long. Grouchy baby= short beach trip! ;)
6. Small baby pool/ pool toys.
Perfect for older babies who are interested in crawling around and exploring some. You can bring it to the beach, fill up with some ocean water, throw in a pool toy or two, place under your shade and bam! You've just created a mini beach just for baby. For a space saving idea, try this beach hack with baby! While you're there, be sure and follow Wilmington Coastal Doulas.
7. Beach cart/ wagon.
One of these items are really so helpful when lugging all of the baby necessities on and off the beach. {A tip}: invest in one that has rubber makes rolling in sand not only easier, but possible.
8. Sunscreen.
Recommended only for babies 6 months+, find a sunscreen that you love and feel comfortable with. Beauty counter has a sunscreen option great for your whole family!
9. Spray bottle.
Fill a spray bottle up with fresh water before leaving home and use it to spray sand off baby's hands before they put things in their mouth and keep baby cool by misting them throughout your trip!
10. Baby powder.
The ultimate beach item! I'm telling you, using baby powder to remove sand is like being able to do your very own magic trick. Just sprinkle some powder on their hands, feet, arms, legs, etc. to quickly and easy remove sand without irritating their skin!
It looks like the take away for beach going with a baby is organization and clean, protected skin! With most anything a little planning can go a long way and having as many items as you can in a ready-to-go bag for your beach days will have you out the door in even less time!