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Postpartum Bleeding - Understanding Lochia and What to Expect

The birth of your child is a life-changing event, and the physical changes that occur afterward are a crucial part of the postpartum experience. One common occurrence that many may not be fully prepared for is postpartum bleeding, medically known as lochia.

What is Lochia?

Lochia is the vaginal discharge that occurs in the weeks following childbirth. It is a natural part of the postpartum recovery process and is essential for the body to expel the remaining tissue and blood from the uterus. Understanding lochia will help you be able to distinguish between normal postpartum bleeding and potentially problematic bleeding.

What to Expect!


Immediately after giving birth, lochia typically appears bright red in color. This is known as lochia rubra and consists mainly of blood and small tissue particles. Over the next few days, it may transition to a pink or brownish hue, referred to as lochia serosa. Lochia serosa contains less blood and more mucus. As the healing process continues, lochia alba, the final stage, takes over. Lochia alba is usually pale yellow or white and consists mainly of mucus and some residual cells.

This progression from red to white discharge is a positive sign that the body is healing and returning to its pre-pregnancy state.

How it Changes Over Time

The changes in the color and consistency of lochia over time are indicative of the body's healing process. Lochia rubra represents the initial, intense phase of bleeding, as the uterus starts to contract back to its normal size. As the bleeding decreases and the mucus content increases, lochia serosa signifies the transition to the healing phase. Finally, lochia alba is a sign that the uterus is almost back to its pre-pregnancy state, and the discharge is minimal.

Duration of Lochia

The duration of lochia can vary from woman to woman. On average, it lasts for about 4-6 weeks postpartum, but it can extend beyond this time frame for some women. The length of time a woman experiences lochia may depend on factors such as the type of delivery, individual healing abilities, and the presence of any complications. Regardless of the duration, it is essential to monitor the discharge's progression and consult a healthcare provider if it appears abnormal.

When to Call Your Provider

While lochia is a normal part of the postpartum recovery process, there are circumstances in which you should contact your healthcare provider. Some reasons to reach out to your healthcare provider include:

  • Heavy bleeding: If the discharge saturates more than one pad in an hour or if you experience sudden, heavy bleeding, it may be a sign of postpartum hemorrhage, which requires immediate medical attention.

  • Foul odor: Foul-smelling lochia may be a sign of infection, and you should contact your provider for evaluation.

  • Persistent pain: Severe pain, especially accompanied by abnormal bleeding or fever, should prompt you to consult your healthcare provider.

  • Blood clots: Passing large blood clots or clots that persist beyond the first week may warrant medical attention.

  • Unusual discharge: If the color, consistency, or odor of lochia seems unusual or concerning, it's essential to consult your provider.

Understanding lochia and what to expect after childbirth is an integral part of the postpartum experience. It's helpful to be aware of the typical progression of lochia from red to white discharge, as well as the expected duration of 4-6 weeks. Most importantly, know when to contact a healthcare provider in case of any concerns or complications, such as heavy bleeding, foul odor, persistent pain, blood clots, or unusual discharge.

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