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Childproofing Your Home: Creating a Safe Haven for Your Little Explorer

Welcoming a baby into your home is an exciting and joyous time, but it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring a safe environment for them. Childproofing your home is a step in safeguarding your child from potential hazards. Keep reading as we explore when to begin childproofing, a good time for reevaluating and adapting childproofing measures as your baby grows, as well as providing you with a comprehensive list of potential hazards to address!

So when would you start baby-proofing your home? A great time to start is well before your baby is walking or crawling. A few months before your baby arrives gives you time to thoroughly assess and prepare or it could be a great project as you anticipate giving birth in the last few weeks around your due date.

One thing we know for sure is babies don't stay little long enough. They are going to grow bigger and more curious. These are the times to reassess, readjust and replace any safety measures that need it! Childproofing is an ongoing process that you can regularly reevaluate and adjust as your baby develops new skills.

As your baby becomes more mobile, focus on securing furniture, keeping hazardous items out of reach, and ensuring electrical cords are properly managed. Use safety gates to restrict access to potentially dangerous areas. Also if you spend any time around a toddler, you will quickly see that they are natural climbers and explorers! Because of this, securing bookshelves, dressers, and tv stands to prevent tipping is an important safety measure. Lock away sharp objects, heavy items, and toxic substances. Be mindful of open windows and install childproof locks or window guards.

As your baby grows older, they will develop greater curiosity and independence so visible boundaries, such as a gates are great to have in place.

Here is a list of additional baby proofing that you can add to your list!


  • Secure cabinets and drawers with childproof latches.

  • Install stove knob covers and stove guards to prevent burns and accidents.

  • Keep sharp objects, cleaning supplies, and choking hazards out of reach.

  • You can also purchase latches for your refrigerator.

Living Room and Bedrooms:

  • Secure heavy furniture to the wall to prevent tipping.

  • Cover electrical outlets with safety plugs or outlet covers.

  • Use cord shorteners or cordless blinds to eliminate strangulation hazards.

  • Keep small objects, such as coins and small toys, out of reach to prevent choking.


  • Keep medications, toiletries, and cleaning products locked away in cabinets.

  • Install toilet locks to prevent drowning hazards.

  • Use a non-slip bath mat and cover bathtub faucets with a protective cover.

  • Store razors, scissors, and other sharp objects securely.


  • Ensure crib bars are the appropriate distance apart to prevent entrapment.

  • Remove fluffy bedding, pillows, and stuffed animals from the crib.

  • Install window guards or safety netting to prevent falls.

  • Use cordless window coverings or keep cords safely out of reach.

General Safety Measures:

  • Install safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs.

  • Use door knob covers to restrict access to certain rooms.

  • Place corner protectors on sharp furniture edges.

  • Keep plastic bags, small magnets, and other choking hazards out of reach.

Childproofing your home is an important step in ensuring your child's safety and well-being. By starting early, identifying potential hazards, and adapting safety measures as your baby grows, you create a secure environment where your little explorer can thrive and develop without unnecessary risks. If you would like baby-proofing help from one of our Certified Postpartum and Infant Care Doulas reach out so we can chat about that and what will help you the most!


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